The Ultimate Docker Cheatsheet for Developers
Docker has quickly become one of the most popular technologies for developers looking to build, deploy, and run applications in a containerized environment. With its simple and efficient approach to virtualization, it’s easy to see why Docker has become so widely adopted.
In this post, we’ll provide a comprehensive Docker Cheatsheet to help developers work with Docker more effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned Docker user or just starting out, this cheatsheet will provide you with a quick reference to some of the most commonly used Docker commands and tools.
Docker Image Management:
Docker images are the building blocks of containers. Here are some of the most important commands for managing Docker images:
- docker pull: Download an image from a registry.
- docker images: List the available images on the host.
- docker rmi: Remove one or more images.
- docker tag: Tag an image with a new reference.
Docker Container Management:
Docker containers are instances of images that run as isolated processes. Here are some of the most important commands for managing Docker containers:
- docker run: Run a command in a new container.
- docker ps: List the running containers.
- docker stop: Stop a running container.
- docker start: Start a stopped container.
- docker rm: Remove one or more containers.
Docker Container Execution:
Once a container is running, you can use the following commands to execute commands within the container and manage the output:
- docker exec: Run a command in a running container.
- docker attach: Attach to a running container’s console.
- docker logs: Display the logs of a container.
Docker Networking:
Docker containers can communicate with each other through networks. Here are some of the most important commands for managing Docker networks:
- docker network create: Create a new network.
- docker network ls: List the available networks.
- docker network rm: Remove one or more networks.
- docker network inspect: Display detailed information about a network.
Docker Volume Management:
Docker volumes are used to persist data in a container. Here are some of the most important commands for managing Docker volumes:
- docker volume create: Create a new volume.
- docker volume ls: List the available volumes.
- docker volume rm: Remove one or more volumes.
- docker volume inspect: Display detailed information about a volume.
Docker Compose:
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Here are some of the most important commands for using Docker Compose:
- docker-compose up: Start and run the services defined in a Compose file.
- docker-compose down: Stop and remove the containers, networks, and volumes defined in a Compose file.
- docker-compose ps: List the containers created by a Compose file.
- docker-compose logs: Display the logs of the services defined in a Compose file.
This Docker Cheatsheet should serve as a valuable reference for developers working with Docker. Whether you’re using Docker for development, testing, or production, these commands will help you work more effectively and efficiently.
As Docker continues to evolve, this cheatsheet will be updated to reflect the latest best practices and features. Be sure to bookmark this post and check back often for updates!